Dec 26, 2010

Adonihs's Brush Pack

Artist's (adonihs) Comments

So these are really the only brushes I use, period. I barely, ever, use custom weird funky brushes unless its for design purpose. I find this collection achieves exactly what I want, and haven't searched elsewhere. It's like my Holy Grail so I figured all of you digi painters could use them as well!

Now you might be like "Why such a small list?" I don't mean this in an arrogant way , but I can really achieve any feeling I want with these brushes, just get used to them, play with it and it'll work out! They did for me.

Dec 25, 2010

Zeoyn's Hair and Fur Brushes

Artist's Comments
Many people asked me about how I did the fur on my image "Mouse Love" (which you can see in my gallery). The image is mainly 3D but due to time limitations I ended up by painting the mice fur in Photoshop.

I have compilled the brushes I have created to paint the fur and also added a few ones for hair creation.

I hope these are of use to you!


IMPORTANT:For best use of the fur brushes (especially the Fur_Silhouette brush), keep the Brush editor open under the "Brush tip shape" menu and rotate the angle of the brush as needed so that the fur shows up on the correct side of the silhouette and with the right direction.